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The meeting held at Griffith, on Thursday last (February 23), for the purpose of reforming the Griffith Australian Rules Football Club was well attended, there being a good roll up of football enthusiasts present. The club anticipates forming a competition similar to that of last year, and if they succeed, which is almost assured, the public of Griffith will be catered to a good season's football enjoyment.
Mr. Jack J. Donnelly occupied the chair, and the following office bearers were elected: Hon. secretary, Pat Clift; president, Jack J. Donnelly; vice-presidents, 'Darky' Evans and Vic Chettle; committee, Messrs., J. F. Gleeson, Bert Jones, Francis de Pagny, Bert Jacka, Herb Dempsey, Ted Savage, Jack Wood, Rev. O'Dea, Robert Thomson, George Louez; delegates: Messrs. Herb Dempsey, Jack Wood, Jack J. Donnelly, Jack Nish; selection committee to consist of captain and three non players. Non players: Messrs., Bert Jones, George Johns and Sergeant Samson. Entertainment committee, Messrs. Steve Dudley, A. Martin, Allan Scott, Sid O'Halloran, Edward Haines, W. Bradley.       (By Patrick J. Slattery - Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday February 28, 1922)

On Monday, 27th February, a meeting was hold in Hanwood Hall  with intentions of re-forming the club. These intentions were well carried out. The election of officers for ensuing year were: President, Mr. J. Turley; vice-presidents, C. Pearson, F. D. Chadwick, A. Towart, T. McClellan, P. J. Slattery; secretary, W. G. Dreyer; assistant secretary. A. C. Flynn; treasurer, W. Owen. General and selection committee: Mr. D. Eachern, F. Pitt, R. Towart.
The colors for ensuing season were chosen as follows Royal blue jersey and gold band, blue socks with gold tops. 
Hanwoodites wish for support from Griffith and district as they are looking out for running close to the premiership this year. They have started practice, so look out for the Hanwood boys this season. The membership fee is 7/6. Any information can be had from either secretary or assistant secretary at any time.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday March 10 1922). 

On Sunday next, a football match will be played at Griffith between Hanwood and Griffith.  This will be the first game for the season and should be worth watching.
The following players have been selected to represent Hanwood: W. Owen (capt.), L. Merritt (vice-capt.), A. Flynn, G. Towart, M. Buckley, A. Campbell, W. Cochrane, J. Owen, C. Chadwick, J. Turley, C. Bone, C. Clarke, A. Williams, F. Hudson, G. Aughtie, N. Chandler, R. Flynn and J. Turner. Emergencies: T.E. Clowsy, C. Stevenson, E. Dreyer, W. Dreyer, C. Pearson.
A meeting of members of Hanwood Football Club was held, at Hanwood Hall on Monday, 27th inst. Messrs Pitt and Towart were duly elected timekeeper and goal umpire respectively. Mr. C. Patton was elected as patron of the Club and Mr. Cohen vice president. Hanwood boys are practising hard and hope to come up to perfection. 
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday April 7, 1922).

The initial football match of the season was played between the above teams in a scratch match on the Griffith football ground, on Sunday last, 9th inst., and resulted in a win for the Griffith team by 20 points. The final scores were: Griffith 5 goals 8 bhds, (39 points); Hanwood, 2 goals 6 behinds (18 points).
The following represented Griffith and Hanwood respectively.

Griffith: S. Dudley (captain), J. Nish, L. Anderson, J. Daines, J. Wood, A. Scott, D. Kennett, R. Campbell, C. Colmacker, H. Parker, F. and E. Savage, W. Tilden, A. Gambell, H. Dempsey, F. De Pagny, Brown, and S. O'Halloran.
Hanwood: W. Owen (captain), L. Merritt, A. Flynn, G. Towart, M. Buckley, A. Campbell, W. Cochrane, Jack Owen, C. Chadwick, J. Turley, C. Bone, C. Clarke, A. Williams, F. Hudson, G. Aughtie, N. Chandler, R. Flynn and J. Turner.
The match was umpired by Mr. G. Johns, who proved to be exceptionally good. The game was not so one-sided as the scores Indicate.
All the Hanwood team worked like trojans to avoid defeat. Campbell, for Hanwood, was tho most prominent, playing a rattling good game throughout, whilst A. Flynn, W. Owen (captain), and C. Clarke played up to their usual form.
It is difficult to particularise any individual player on the Griffith side, but those who did well were Dudley (capt.), J Nish, D. Kennett, Gambell, Scott,  F. and E. Savage, whilst "Harry" Parker and S. O'Halloran retained their dash of last season.
A very noticeable feature of the game was the lack of condition on both sides, however this being the first match of the season accounts for that, and with a return scratch match between the same teams on Friday next (and a little training on both sides in between), should make the players fit and well for the competition matches which are to be commenced shortly.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday April 11, 1922).

Inter town - Sunday April 30, 1922 at Leeton Recreation Ground
Leeton defeated Griffith

The above clubs will try conclusions on the Griffith ground on Sunday afternoon next. A real good game is anticipated, as both club is putting its best team on the field.
Griffith will be represented by: S. Dudley, J. Nish, J. Attwood, S. Anderson, Lance Brown, A. Gambell, A. Scott, H. Parker, R. Brown, F. Savage, E. Savage, J. Daines, R. Smith, J. Lodding, D. Kennett, R. Campbell, G. Baird, B. Hynes. Emergencies: S. O'Halloran, M. Savage, L L. Brown, A. Brown, L. Gambell.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday May 26, 1922

About five weeks ago Griffith sent a team of footballers to Leeton to try conclusions with a team picked from this end of the area. On that occasion Leeton won. A return match was promised for the 28th May, and so Sunday morning last saw about 30 football fans on Mark's motor lorry bound for Griffith.
As was anticipated about five of Leeton's regular players were missing after such a strenuous game as was played at Marrar on Saturday. But there were others only too ready to fill the breach and after a cold ride to Griffith, followed by a good lunch, the team's met on the Australian Rules Association ground, about half a mile out of town.
Leeton's men were very sore and tired and too hard matches on two consecutive days proved too much for them. Griffith were keen and fresh and managed to keep the Leeton boys fairly quiet until the last term. But then the boys from Leeton end of the Area seemed to get their second wind and ran all over the home team and finally won by 39 points to 30.
After enjoying a good tea, which the Griffith team provided, the crowd happy, though tired and bruised, left Griffith at 6 o'clock. All went well until they reached a spot about eight miles on the Griffith side of Whitton. At this point the lorry bogged. All hands had to quit the lorry and give a push.
But some were quite satisfied that the lorry would not be moved that night so started to walk to Whitton. But Mr. Jim Leighton was coming along in his motor car and was good enough to pull the lorry over about two miles of sticky road. After that all was well and all were ready for Whitton.
After refreshments at this village, we started on our final lap. But this was not without incident. There was a mysterious delay m Stanbridge and some suspected a shortage of petrol. This was not proved, however, and at last Leeton was reached at about 10.30p.m.
The party then broke up and members went in various directions towards their homes. The last heard was 'keep your nut, boys, keep your nut,' from an old familiar voice, which sounded as if it had been through a strenuous and extensive repertoire of football songs.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday May 30, 1922).

The Griffith District Australian Rules football competition was continued on Sunday last, 11th inst. The Griffith team journeyed to Yenda and played on the Yenda ground. The Griffith team were victorious, the final scores being: Griffith, 3 goals 9 behinds (27 points); Yenda, 2 goals 5 behinds (17 points). Mr. H. R. Johns officiated in the capacity of umpire.
Binya had a one-point victory over Hanwood on the latter's ground, the final scores were: Binya, 31 points; Hanwood, 30 points. G. Webb umpired the match. The Hanwood team played a real good game throughout and the little bit of bad luck in the first quarter, when two successive goals were missed by Hanwood, no doubt lost them the game. Binya won the competition last year and consequently Hanwood put up a sterling  game and their defeat only makes them more confident of being prominent in the competition in the future.
On Sunday next Griffith meet Binya at Binya. As both teams won on Sunday last, and with satisfactory weather conditions, this promises to be a real ding-dong match.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday June 16, 1922).

It looks that way, at any rate. Binya beat Yenda fairly easily in the Griffith - Binya District competition, the scores being 58 to 20, whilst Hanwood were also beaten by almost the same margin by Griffith; the scores reported being 55 to 22.
(Albury Banner - Friday July 7, 1922).

On Sunday last on the Griffith oval, the Hanwood juniors played the Griffith juniors, and the game resulted in a win for the Griffith team. The final scores were Griffith, 3 goals 1 behind (19 points);   Hanwood,  6 behinds. The game was of a good high class standard.      (Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday August 15, 1922).

The final of the above Australian Rules association will take place at Yenda to-morrow, when Binya and Griffith will try conclusions. Should Griffith be defeated they (being winners of the minor premiership) will have the right to challenge. Binya have been practising very hard of late and are now a very solid combination. Griffith, on the other hand pay very little attention to practice and this, together with the departure from the district of several of their prominent players, has considerably weakened the team. However, with such staunch supporters like Bert Jones barracking, perhaps the team will pull through; in any case the Griffith club intend putting up a good fight.    (Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Friday August 18, 1922)

(By Onlooker)
Intense excitement prevailed among followers of the Australian Rules Football on Sunday August 20, 1922 when the final of the competition was played on the Yenda oval, the concluding teams being Griffith and Binya, the game resulted in a win for the Griffith team by 4 points, the final scores being, Griffith, 2 goals 6 behinds — 18 points; Binya, 2 goals 2 behinds — 14 points.
Notwithstanding the fact that the Griffith team had lost a couple of their star players since the commencement of the season they went onto the field big-hearted and confident of victory, while the Binya boys had the very best team procurable and prior to the commencement of the match would not listen to defeat.
However, when the final bell went and the scores indicated that Griffith had won by the narrow margin of four points, the Binya chaps were quite satisfied that the better team had been victorious and showed their satisfaction by cheering their conquering opponents for several minutes.
Griffith won the toss and started the game with a good wind in their favor. They hadn't been in progress very long when Frank De Pagny for Griffith secured a mark and succeeded by kicking through the centre sticks from an almost impossible angle. Griffith 6 Binya nil. Chain for Griffith kicked a point. This made Griffith 7, Binya nil.
In the second quarter Binya failed to score, while Griffith added one point. At half-time the scores were: Griffith 8 points, Binya nil.
During the half time interval Kenny Mathieson (Binya's captain) called his warriors together, this indicted business, and at the end of the third quarter Binya had gained the lead the scores being: Binya 2.2 — 14 points to Griffith 1.2 — 8 points.
The last quarter saw the Griffith team wanting 7 points to win, but they weren't wanting long as the ball hadn't been in play very many minutes when Allan Gambell, who had been playing an exceptionally good game for Griffith, landed a sixer.
This gave the Griffith team great heart, and "Allan's" kick was undoubtedly the winning one as with one point to win the red and white's put together new efforts into the game and were rewarded by scoring four successive points in as many minutes, but the Griffith backs with "Ned" Ryan the most prominent succeeded in upsetting Binya's chance of landing a winning goal.
The final bell went with the scores in favour of Griffith by four points. Thus ended the competition with Griffith the conquerors of the "Blue Ribbon".
It would be unfair to to particularise any individual player in the Griffith team as they played the game to a man and worked hard for their victory.
The high standard of  the match and the good open football was due to the umpire, "Smacker" Webb, whilst not omitting to mention the fact that the football used was obtained from Rugby football enthusiast "Burleigh" Gorman, and was made on his premises in Banna Avenue. 
The Griffith barrackers with "Bertie" Jones as their captain, and with such staunch supporters as "Darky" Evans and a few more are due to praise for keeping the red and white's up to their work. 
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday August 22, 1922).

On Tuesday evening, the 6th, November the Griiffith Australian Rules football club held their first annual ball at the Lyceum Theatre, Griffith, to finalise the successful season, after winning the premiership of the Griffith and District Football Association for season 1922.
 The hall was nicely decorated for the occasion under the auspices of Messrs Francis de Pagny, Jack J. Donnelly and other officials of the club. During an interval on the programme the presentation of medals was made to the various players who participated through out the season and helped to win their club the blue ribbon.
 Mr. de Pagny apologised for a number of men who were absent, then he presented Mr. Donnelly, their worthy president with a gold medal suitable inscribed. He spoke with fitting remarks as to Mr. Donnelly as their, president, and a "sport", and concluded by heartily thanking the number of supporters, business people, and players generally who helped to carry the season to a successful issue.
 The president, on behalf of the club, also made the presentation of a handsome medal suitably inscribed to their able secretary Mr. de Pagny and spoke in eulogistic tones. He said their secretary had worked hard throughout the season and had always done his best to win the premiership and he hoped next year would again find him at his post. Both the president and secretary, who suitably responded, were grated with cheers from the audience.
Dancing was indulged in until 2 a.m. under the capable hands of Mr. Vince Harris, who acted as M.C. After a sumptuous supper being provided, a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday, November 21, 1922

J. Attwood, G. Baird, A. Brown, L. L. Brown, Lance Brown, Chain, C. Colmacher, Henry Daines, Francis de Pagny, Les Gambell, B. Hynes, Jack Nish, Ned Ryan, M. Savage, Jack Scott, R. Smith.
Old players: Les Anderson, J Brown, Robert Campbell, Jack Daines, Herb Dempsey, Steve Dudley, Allan Gambell, Don Kennett, John Lodding, Sid O'Halloran, Henry Parker, Fred Savage, Ted Savage, Allan Scott, Walter Tilden, Wiiliam Wade, Edgar "Jack" Wood. 
Final Games: J. Attwood, G. Baird, A. Brown, L. L. Brown, Lance Brown, R Campbell, Chain, C. Colmacher, Henry  Francis de Pagny, Steve Dudley, Allan Gambell, Les Gambell, B. Hynes, Jack Lodding, Jack Nish, Henry Parker, 'Ned' Ryan, Fred Savage, M. Savage, Ted Savage, Jack Scott, R. Smith, Walter Tilden.​

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