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At a meeting held in the Lyceum Lodge Room on Monday evening last, March 30 an Australian Rules Club was formed. The meeting was a most enthusiastic one, and the following were present: Messrs. J. G. Casserly (Chairman), J. Wood, W. Booth senr., J. Haines, W. Maher, F. Bartley, W. Wade, C. Bone, W. Foster, J. Osborne, G. Rodgers, H. Chadney, G. Russell, J Daines, R. Stevenson, P. Darcy, J. Barrow, Geaghan, G. Dicker and P. J. Slattery.
It was decided to endevour to obtain permission to the Yanco District Association. Mr. Casserly was elected president (pro temp.), Mr. W Maher, secretary (pro temp.), and those present formed themselves into a committee with the power to add. Next meeting takes place on Tuesday evening, April 7 in the Lyceum Lodge at 7.30 pm. (The Area News - Thursday April 2, 1925).

During the holidays Australian Rules enthusiasts have been busy clearing a portion of the recreation ground, adjoining the Showground of which it is proposed to play competition games this season. Much more work remains to be done and all supporters are asked to leave their names with Mr. William Maher Jnr. or at the Area News office. The Leeton Club is anxious to meet the Griffith team at Leeton on Sunday, and endeavor is to be made to accommodate them. Those wishing to make the trip should communicate with the secretary immediately. (The Area News - Thursday April 16, 1925).

The recently re-formed Griffith Football Club held a very successful meeting on Thursday evening, (April 23) in the Lyceum Lodge.
Those present were J. G. Casserly (Chairman), R Thompson, J Barrow, F. R. Polkinghorne, W. O'Grady, G. Towart, G. Rodgers, J. Osborne, G. Russell, T. Barnes, C. Kurtz, R. Stevenson, P. Darcy, W. Maher jnr., P. J. Slattery, W. Bamford, L. Anderson, J. Wood and J. Haines.
Office Bearers: President, J. G. Casserly; Vice Presidents, W. Booth, F. R. Polkinghorne, R. Thomson, Secretary, W. Maher; Treasurer, P. J. Slattery; Committee, J. Barrow, P. Darcy, G. Towart, W. O'Grady, J. Osborne; Delegates, P. Darcy, R. Thomson.
Selection committee, captain and vice-captain, non-playing J. French, G. Bruce, H. Dempsey.
Membership at 5/-, Black and Gold, club colors. 
Competition starts against Leeton, Sunday May 3 at Leeton. (The Area News - Monday April 27, 1925).

A delegate meeting of the M.I.A. League was held at Whitton on April 24. Delegates present were: Whitton, Keeble and Luhrs; Darlington Point, Coombes and Stevenson; Wilga, McGrath and Sullivan; Griffith, J. Wood and P. Darcy; Murrami, R. Crozier and H. D. Anderson; Stanbridge, Poulsen and Briggs; Leeton, Gavel and Swasbrick; Yanco, Hennessey and Waring.
Mr. Neil was elected chairman and in opening the meeting said he was pleased to see a fine gathering, which proved beyond doubt the interest taken in the Australian Rules of football.
Only two years ago it was very difficult to arrange a competition and now there are eight team competing. A large percentage of the players had come from the rugby ranks, and having acquired a knowledge of the Australian Rules are convinced that it is the more scientific game.
An application from Griffith for admission to the League was received and this was unanimously agreed to.  It was pointed out in Griffith that rugby had got a hold but a large percentage of lovers of good football still longed for the Australian Rules, and Griffith was commended for the move it had decided upon.
On the motion of Mr. Thomson (Griffith), seconded by Mr. Sullivan (Wilga), a vote of thanks was carried by acclimation to Messrs. Gavel and Roberts for donation of the Gavel - Roberts Cup.
Conditions applying to this are: That the premiers of the year be challenged by the premiers of last year; winners of those teams to retain the Cup.
The "Johnny Walker" Cup (the competition Cup), has to be won two years in succession or three years in all.
Applications were received from the Secretary and Treasurer for permission to play in the M.I.A. League, as being office bearers they were not eligible.
On the motion of Mr. R. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Gavel, it was resolved that all office bearers be allowed to play.
Mr. Gavel announced that he would present a medal to the best and cleanest player, as decided by the umpire after each match. The names to be sent to the secretary and balloted at the end of the season. The object of this is to encourage the players to play the ball and not the man.
Mr. Gavel's offer was much appreciated. He had played every game of football and is one of the best workers for the League in its object to keep the Australian Rules game going in New South Wales.
The executives dealt with the matter of umpire's with six being accepted, viz., Messrs. A. Tonkin, J. Adams, R. Alexander, W. Swasbrick, J. Lodding and Brennan. (The Area News - May 4, 1925)

MIAFL Round 1 - Sunday May 3, 1925 at Leeton Showground 
Leeton "B" ... 0.4 (4)
Griffith ......... 6.6 (42)
Match report: Fine weather, a trifil on the warm side for football favored the opening matches of the local Australian Rules competition played under the auspices of the M.I.A. Football.  
Being the first competition game of the season most of the players showed lack of condition but there was plenty of enthusiasm amongst the younger players and everything points to the competition being the most exciting yet held in the area.
The games as follows: Griffith defeated Leeton "B" by 6 goals 6 behinds - 42 points to 4 points. Whitton defeated Darlington Point by 5 goals 10 behinds - 40 points to 5 goals 5 behinds - 35 points.
Yanco had a easy win over Stanbridge 29 to 15 and Wilga defeated Murrami by 137 points to 1.
The outstanding player was Jack Haines in the position of goal sneak, who's work in the air was first class and invoked the admiration of all. Goal kickers for Wilga were J Haines 5, J Galbraith 5, A McGroder 3, H Tilden 2, D Finley 2, and J Daines
The Leeton - Griffith match was played on the Showground before a moderate attendance. The umpire, Jack Adams, before bouncing the ball gave a few instructions to the players. He said that he would observe the new rule in regard to out of bounds. That is, if the ball is wilfully kicked out, a free kick will be given to the nearest man on the opposing side. If the ball goes out accidentally the boundary umpire will come in five yards and bounce the ball. The umpire further said that he would make them play to the whistle and that it would be no use squealing because he would take no notice of them. He also had instructions from the League to report any player using bad language while on the playing area.
The teams were represented by the followng players:-
Griffith: P Darcy (capt), F Polkinghorne (vice-capt), L Anderson, W Bamford, J Barrow, J Casserly, H Chadney, F Eardley, F Fennell, W Foster, W James, S O'Halloran, E McCleod, W O'Grady, C & R Stevenson, G Towart, W. Wilkinson
Leeton B: K Markey, Rosewall, E Trethewey, Maybon, V Brady, L Southee, J Grigg, Leighton, T Saker, Gregory, L McLeish, Ryan, J Brennan, Taylor, A Harding, Simmons, D Ayres, J Schwab
Umpire: J Adams (Narrandera)
Leeton opened up the game with plenty of dash and all being attired in red and white jerseys they looked as if they were going to run over the visitors, who wore assorted coloured guernsey's. Griffith, however, were not long in returning the attack and a single was scored by Griffith within a couple of minutes play.
The Leeton team made all the mistakes it was practically possible to make in the game. The back men repeatedly kicked across their own goals, the forwards would always rush in and crowd around their goalsneak and spoil numerous chances of scoring.
The rushing in of players happened in all points of the ground, instead of having one man do his best to get the ball, three or four players would rush in and then there would be nobody to send the leather out to.
Leeton had control of the ball most of the time but no good was ever done while half a dozen good players, who were fed, saved Griffith. This half a dozen knew what to do with the ball and it was them that brought success to Griffith. 

MIAFL Round 2 - Sunday May 10, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith ....... 12.13 (85)
Murrami ..... 2.3 (15)
Griffith: F Polkinghorne (capt.), L Anderson, W Bamford, J Barrow, J Casserly, H Chadney, F Eardley, F Fennell, W Foster, J Fox, W James, E McCleod,  S O'Halloran, W O'Grady,
W Owen,  C & R Stevenson, W Wilkinson.
Umpire: J Tonkin (Leeton)
Match report: The newly formed Griffith team was again successful on Sunday, and continued their good record that began so well at Leeton by defeating Murrami by 85 points to 15.
It was unfortunate that owing to the limited time the club has had in which to go to work, the preparation of the new ground was not completed in time for the match so that the game was played on a hastily improvised ground near the Rural School. Nevertheless, the spectators were treated to a good lively game of football.
Griffith vigorously opened the attack but owing to be confined to one wing by the cross wind, their shooting was very bad and a number of singles was piled up before the first goal was scored. The Murrumi team did not score until the last quarter but they defended well, and their attack gave Griffith men plenty to do.
Griffith missed their captain Jim Darcy on the wing but his place was filled by Fred Eardley, who, with Fennell, Wilkinson and Frank Polkinghorne was responsible for the best of play for the locals.
Praise was universal for the umpire Tonkin, who always kept the game well in hand, and though he strictly enforced the rules of the game, both sides equally appreciated his impartiality.
After the match a pleasant little gathering was held at Mr. Pat Boyle's cafe, where the local team entertained the visitors at tea, and when ever football appetites were satisfied by the generous catering. The Murrami team expressed their appreciation of the Griffith team's courtesy and of the dainty quality and ample quantities of Mr. Boyle's service.
Other matches, Yanco and Darlington Point played a drawn game, each scoring 22 points. Leeton "B" were defeated by Stanbridge 30-69 and Wilga suffered defeat at the hands of Whitton by 20 points to 5 points.

MIAFL Round 3 - Sunday May 17, 1925 at Yanco
Griffith forfeit to Yanco

MIAFL Round 4 - Sunday May 24, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith .... 5.11 (41)
Wilga ....... 1.0 (6)
Match report: Spectators at the Griffith - Wilga match on Sunday were treated to an exciting game of good football. The play was fast and open, and though Wilga (last season's premiers) were ably to score only one goal, they kept the home team busy from start to finish. Their forwards, however, were too weak for Griffith's sturdy defence.
Wilga opened the game with a vigorous attack but Griffith speedly got possession and scored within a few minutes. Wilga defended well but the home team with a slight wind in their favour made the most of their advantage and kept the play for the rest of the quarter.
In the second quarter Wilga looked like turning the table, and early in play scored from a  free kick near the goal but Griffith proved too good for them and forced the game back to the visitors goal.
At half-time the scores were 23 to 6.
In the second half Wilga tried hard to catch up but though time after time they forced the play over the centre line, the home team defence was always too good. 
A feature of the game was the Griffith combination. It was certainly far from perfect but it was pleasing to note the improvement in their passing which was largely responsible for their success.
The big ground, too, seemed to help them and the club is to complimented on its energy in getting it so well prepared in such a short time.
The best players for Griffith were Darcy, Eardley, Polkinghorne, Fennell, Anderson and Bob Stevenson. Captain, Jim Darcy was particularly prominent.
After the match the visitors were entertained at a temporary buffer where the ladies had prepared a tempting spread of tea and cake for them. 

MIAFL Round 5 - Sunday May 31, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith .................. 5.12 (42)
Darlington Point ... 2.8 (20)
Umpire: J Haines (Wilga)
Match report: A record crowd assembled at the new ground on Sunday to witness a rattling fast game of football. Though Griffith were fortunate enough to add another victory to their unbeaten record, their opponents gave them the hardest game of the season, and kept the local lads busy all the time.
The 'Point opened with the wind in their favour and quickly gave evidence of their mettle. The play was very fast and even, and though Griffith managed to score a few singles it was nobody's quarter.
In the second quarter, however, Griffith made the most of their advantage and scored rapidly, though the shooting was not the best. The visitors defended well but the local men were too good for them. Bamford on the forward line doing particularly good work.
At half-time the scores were Griffith 31 points, 'Point nil.
In the third quarter, the 'Point opened well forcing the game vigorously into their opponent's goal. They scored repeatedly and Griffith supporters began to get nervous but bad shooting prevented them from seriously endangering the local team's big lead. It was not until almost on the bell that Griffith managed to get the ball away, and by a fast bit of smart passing scored a single.
The last quarter was fairly even as far as scoring was concerned but was marred, as was the third quarter by too much crowding. In this quarter, the Point was largely responsible, and they were successful in keeping most of the play in Griffith's half but the local defence was always alert and kept the visitor from reducing the lead.
The game as a whole was fast and good but it was regrettable that Griffith did not maintain the standard of passing and system, which was exhibited in the Wilga match.
Final scores were Griffith 42, Darlington Point 20.
The best players for Griffith were Darcy, Polkinghorne, Fennell, Eardley, Anderson and Bamford.

Goalkickers: Bamford 2, Chadney, O'Halloran and Anderson. 
Owning to some misunderstanding the Association umpire did not turn up and the teams were compelled to requisition the service of Jack Haines jnr., who, conducted the game well and to the satisfaction of both sides. 
After the match the visitors was entertained by the ladies to tea and cake, and they unanimously expressed their appreciation to the ladies dainty and ample catering.

MIAFL Round 6 - Sunday June 7, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith ......... 13.15 (93)
Stanbridge ... 2.4 (16)
Umpire: J Lodding
Match report: The game on Sunday added another success to Griffith's unbroken list but for the onlookers it was rather too one-sided to be really interesting. Stanbridge stuck gamely to the finish but were outclassed by the local team. Griffith opened kicking with the wind, and right from the bounce they took possession. Passing smartly, they required a goal before Stanbridge had time to get a move on. The visitors soon woke up, however, gave the local's back line some work to do and managed to score a few points but Griffith made most of their advantage and piled up 34 points before the first bell.
The second quarter was a little more even, but Griffith continued playing well together and had easily the best of the quarter.
In the second half the game still continued lively, and although Stanbridge did not manage to score much, they kept the local backs busy. Griffith continued to increase their lead but did not play to well together and gave away a good deal that with another team might have cost them dearly. It was perhaps only natural with a big lead to take things easily, but it is a bad habit to get into, particularly when they are capable of doing much better. The final scores were Griffith 93, Stanbridge 16.
The umpire J. Lodding, refereed well and kept the game open and under control right through.
The best players for Griffith were Eardley, Fennell, Anderson, Bamford, R Stevenson and C Stevenson.  
A feature of the game was some splendid marking by Bob Stevenson, who seemed to be improving every match. Bill Doyle a new player showed plenty of dash on the wing and proved of a permanent place in the team. 
Goalkickers for Griffith were Bamford 4, Fennell 3, O'Halloran 2, C Stevenson 2, Wilkinson and O'Grady. 
After the match the visitors were entertained by the ladies for tea. As usual the supply of dainties was ample, even for football appetites and much credit is due to the ladies committee for their generous catering and assistance. These little functions go far towards that feeling of good fellowship between team and team which is one of the most pleasing features of the game.

MIAFL Round 7 - Sunday June 14, 1925 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Whitton defeated by Griffith

MIAFL Round 8 - Sunday June 21, 1925 at Murrami
Murrami defeated by Griffith

MIAFL Round 9 - Sunday June 28, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith defeated Leeton "B"

MIAFL Round 10 - Sunday July 5, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith .... 8.11 (59)
Yanco ...... 4.9 (33)
Griffith: F Polkinghorne (capt), L Anderson, W Bamford, F Eardley, F Fennell, J Harris,  W James, McCuffs, McKay, W O'Grady,  J & W Owen, A Scott, C & R Stevenson, G Towart, Wilkinson, E A Wood
Match report: Despite the inclement weather a good number of supporters rolled up to see a match on Sunday last, and were rewarded amply for their enthusiasm by being treated to the finest match of the season.
Though the strong wind to a certain extent spoiled the game, the play was fast, even and exciting right to the finish. Both team were out to do their very best and it was not until well into the last quarter that the game was decided in Griffith's favour.
Yanco had advantage of the wind in the first quarter but they had to fight very hard fo every point they had scored. Griffith defended well and more than once succeeded in forcing the game into the visitors  half but they were unable to score. Yanco played solidly and before the bell managed to put a score of 2 goals, 6 behinds.
With the changeover, however, Griffith began to show their mettle, and it was not long before Anderson, picking the ball up smartly out of the ruck, snapped a "sixer". Bill Bamford followed shortly with another goal from a fine mark in front. 
Yanco were fighting hard, but the local lads kept on bombarding the goal. The wind, however, made it difficult to kick with any judgment and the ball was continually going out of bounds. And it was not until just before the bell that Allan Scott succeeded in smartly snapping the third goal. 
The scored at half-time were Griffith, 3 goals 10 behinds - 28 points; Yanco, 2 goals 6 behinds - 18 points.
With the third quarter the wind began to die down and permitted the game to become more open. This suited both teams who were holding their condition well. Yanco particularly showed several smart bits of passing. Griffith were too good for them, however, and Snowy Anderson delighted everyone by snapping three in succession. Yanco retaliated by scoring a single and were nearly successful in forcing a goal but Owen got Griffith and relieved the situation. The ball was passed down the field to Wack O'Grady and from a mark, drop kicked a beautiful goal. Bob Stevenson followed soon after with another, the last of the day.
The final scores were Griffith 8 goals 11 behinds, 59 points; Yanco 4 goals 9 behinds, 39 points. 
The best players for Griffith were F Polkinghorne, L Anderson, W Bamford, F Fennell, A Scott and C Stevenson
Goal kickers were L Anderson 4, W Bamford, W O'Grady, A Scott, R Stevenson.

MIAFL Round 11 - Sunday July 12, 1925 at Wilga Station
Wilga ..... 4.8 (32)
Griffith .... 7.6 (48)
Match report: Griffith journeyed to Wilga last Sunday and on a muddy ground meet and defeated the locals 7 goals 6 behinds, 48 points to 4 goals 8 behinds, 32 points. The shocking conditions on the playing area spoilt the match from a spectator point of view and the high wind added to the difficulties.

MIAFL Round 12 - Sunday July 19, 1925 at Darlington Point Oval
Darlington Point ... 5.6 (36)
Griffith .................. 5.10 (40)
Goals: Griffith: L Anderson 3, W Bamford, J Wood 
Best: Griffith: F Polkinghorne, F Fennell, F Eardley, L Anderson,
J & W Owen, J Wood 
Griffith: F Polkinghorne (capt ), L Anderson, W Bamford, T Barnes, J Brown,  F Eardley, F Fennell, A Flynn, W James,
McCufffs, McKay, W O'Grady, S O'Halloran, J & W Owen, A Scott,  C & R Stevenson, W Wilkinson, J Wood.

MIAFL Round 13 - Sunday July 26, 1925 at Stanbridge
Stanbridge defeated by Griffith

MIAFL Round 14 - Sunday August 2, 1925 at Griffith
Griffith ...... 6.7 (43)
Whitton .... 4.0 (24)
Match report: Whitton journeyed to Griffith on Sunday and a battle royal resulted. Griffith forced the play from the bounce and caught Whitton napping. Griffith scoring 3 goals in the first term. The next three quarters were even, each team scoring goal for goal. Joe Brennan's umpiring was good.

MIAFL First Semi Final - Sunday August 16, 1925 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Yanco 38 defeated Wilga 36
Match report: Yanco football team attained, almost the impossible on Sunday last  at Whitton, when they pulled up their deficiency of 29 points and established a lead of 2 points all in the last quarter against Wilga. It was the first semi-final of the M.I.A. Local Australian Rules competition, and about 500 onlookers shouted till they were hoarse, such was the excitement that prevailed at Whitton. The weather was perfect and encouraged people to take advantage of whatever vehicle, they could get hold of to make the trip.

MIAFL Second Semi Final - Sunday August 23, 1925 at Leeton Showground
Griffith .... 4.8 (32)
Whitton ... 3.5 (23)
Match report: Despite the rain of Friday and Saturday, the Griffith and Whitton clubs managed to get through by road on Sunday and meet in the second semi final of the M.I.A. (local) Competition at Leeton. Though a little slippery on the eastern boundary, the Leeton showground was in pretty good order for football. There was a fairly stiff breeze blowing from the south-west and this aided to a considerable extent to keep the scoring mostly at the town goal. The attendance was not nearly so numerous as expected, a great percentage of those present attended in motor cars. The teams were represented by the following players;
Griffith: F Polkinghorne (capt), L Anderson, W Doyle, F Eardley, F Fennell, A Flynn, W Foster, W James, D Kennett, McCuffs, McKay, W O'Grady, J Owen, W Owen, A Scott, C Stevenson, R Stevenson, W Wilkinson, J Wood
Whitton: Keeble, W Smith, G Davidson, Davidson, Confoy, B Lloyd, T Lloyd, L Polkinghorne, D McAliece, W McAliece, E Elliott, Flood, C Taylor, N Taylor, C Lodding, W Warburton, Gerring, R Rice 
Mr. A. Tonkin was referee. 
When Whitton playing with the wind scored 2 goals 2 behinds — 14 points to nil in the first quarter, it looked very much as if they were going to have a runaway win, but in the second quarter Griffith came to within 2 points their score, piling up 1 goal 6 behinds 12 points while Whitton failed to add to their score. It was plainly seen that Whitton lacked combination. Individually their players appeared to be better than the black and golds, but it was on the rarest occasions did the 'Reds' attempt to play to one another. It was get the ball and run till your tackled. Griffith on the other hand did pick out their men, but their forwards were exceptionally weak and missed numerous opportunities  to score. 
In the third quarter the scoring was again very low Whitton scoring 1 goal 2 behinds and Griffith scored 1 goal, making the total scores at the end of the third quarter: — Whitton, 3 goals 4 behinds — 22 points, Griffith 2 goals 6 behinds — 18 points. One of the behinds registered by Whitton was nearest possible to a goal; the ball just skidded the post — a touch sufficient to register a behind The Griffith goal was the result of a pretty piece of combination play, O'Grady finishing it off. Whitton, however, took the wind out of opposition sails  by scoring their goal also immediately after from a 'free.'
The last quarter was a cramped up sort of game. Both sides helped to keep the game close and scoring was very slow. Whitton registered a single and Griffith two behinds and the score kept at that till a few minutes off the final whistle, when Griffith made a determined onslaught and after repeated attacks a mark was taken in a grand scoring position and the winning goal was kicked. This 'sixer' took  the dash out of the 'Reds' who had defended their goals magnificently and Griffith added another goal before the final bell.
The final scores were:— Griffith 4 goals 8 behinds— 32 points; Whitton 3 goals 5 behinds — 23 points.
During the interval 'Snowy' Carr gave a good exhibition of buckjump riding. He was given a pretty tough problem to sit on by C. Wilcox, still he stuck to his seat and was loudly, applauded when he leapt from the saddle after the horse had ceased its aerial stunts.                    (Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday August 25, 1925).

MIAFL Competition Final - Sunday August 30, 1925 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Griffith .....0.1 ..  0.2 .. 2.5 .. 3.8 (26)
Yanco ..... 0.1 .. 2.3 .. 3.6 .. 4.9 (33)
Goals: Griffith: W Bamford, W O'Grady, C Stevenson
Yanco: G Dickerson, P Clayton, B Thompson, H Currey
Yanco: T Black (capt), N Farrell (vice-capt), H Currey, A Currey, G Neill, J Quinton, F Thompson, B Thompson, A Taylor, J Eurell, G Taylor, G Dickerson, P Clayton, E Jones, B Alexander, H O'Grady, C McCann and C Taylor.
Griffith: F Polkinghorne (capt), L Anderson, W Bamford, W Doyle, F Eardley, F Fennell, A Flynn, W James, McCuffs, McKay, W O'Grady, J Owen, W Owen, A Scott, C Stevenson, R Stevenson, W. Wilkinson, J Wood
Umpire: A Tonkin (Leeton)
Match report: The M.I.A. Australian Rules competition was brought to an end as far as the 1925 season goes on Sunday last, when the winning teams of the semi finals - Yanco and Griffith met on the Whitton ground.
It was a remarkable afternoon for Whitton as never before had that town been the meeting place of so many people. With about fifty or sixty motor vehicles in its street and an almost equal number of horses drawn conveyance, the main part of the township looked crowded prior to and after the match.
The greater bulk of the six or seven hundred people present at the match were from Yanco and Leeton. In enthusiasm and sincere barracking could win a match then Yanco won the game when they left their township at 1 p.m. For they were cheered along their nineteen-mile journey by their followers who made a held display of the club's colours maroon and gold.
Every available motor truck was utilised to carry this "sporty" freight and in some cases the enthusiasts went to the extra expense of decorating their cars. Still more enthusiastic were those that made the long journey from Yanco to Whitton on horse and sulky. Yet it was all worthwhile for they saw a great game.
Their team came home winners and the smiles that were carried out broadened into cheery laughter and gave vent to other expressions of great glee on their homeward journey. There was a breakdown of a minor kind but what did that matter with such a cheery lot. It only went to make them feel more happier as they were suffering a bit of inconvenience for their hometown Yanco.
The Yanco players for their part showed that they were well worthy of the keen support given them. To a man they played with all the energy and grit they could muster, and it was only their perfect condition that allowed them to defeat their more experienced and worthy opponents.
The Griffith Club did not have anything like the number of supporters but the clean manner in which they played earn't for them the respect of the onlookers and the latter were not slow to applause a good mark or a brilliance piece of play, no matter what colours the players were wearing.
As the scores indicate the game was a close one and each side were fairly evenly matched. Yanco had slightly the better luck but Griffith through missing a couple of golden opportunities lost themselves the match. Each side was satisfied they had their best teams. 
Griffith, as minor premiers have exercised their right to challenge Yanco. This grand final between Yanco and Griffith will be player on Sunday next at Yanco.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday September 1, 1925)

MIAFL Challenge Final - Sunday  September 6, 1925 at Yanco Sportsground
Yanco ...... 0.2 .. 2.11 .. 3.11 .. 5.18 (48)
Griffith .... 0.3 .. 0.3 .. 5.4 .. 6.4 (40)
Match report: There was a record crowd at Yanco on Sunday afternoon to witness the Grand Final between Griffith and Yanco in the M.I.A. Australian Rules competition.
The residence of Leeton had attended in large numbers and swelled considerably the big gathering of Yanco supporters. An appreciable number of football fans also attended from Griffith, Whitton and Stanbridge.
At first it was thought Yanco would have a runaway victory over Griffith, as the latter team were without four of its picked men. Fred Eardley being sick, Bill Bamford away, and the Stevenson brothers, Bob and Charlie hadn't turned up.
Griffith went on the field with 16 men but aided by a still breeze they managed to hold Yanco during the first quarter. The scores at the end of the term were Griffith 3 behinds, Yanco 2 behinds.
In the second quarter Yanco piled up a big score, mostly singles, and at half time the teams stood; Yanco 2 goals, 11 behinds - 23 points; Griffith 3 behinds - 3 points.
After the half time interval Griffith put on two emergencies as agreed between the two teams earlier in the match and took a turn at goal, adding five goals for the third quarter. Griffith 5 goals 4 behinds - 34 points; Yanco 3 goals 11 behinds - 29 points.
Excitement grew intense when the final term commenced and Yanco made one sustained attack for the whole quarter. The Yanco players took some splendid marks but some bad luck when kicking for goal resulted in six singles being registered putting Yanco in the lead by one point.
Then Griffith managed by one of their good combine moves to score a goal, bringing them back to the lead. Not for long, however, as a major was the next score, then a minor giving the locals a lead of two points. A "sixer" before the bell put victory beyond all doubt for the maroon and gold.
The final scores were Yanco 5 goals, 18 behinds - 48 points; Griffith 6 goals, 4 behinds - 40 points.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday September 8, 1925)

Roberts / Gavel Cup - Sunday September 20, 1925 at Whitton Recreation Ground
Wilga ..... 2.1 .. 2.8 .. 5.12 .. 6.12 (48)
Yanco .... 0.1 .. 3.3 .. 3.4 .. 3.8 (26)
Match report: A fine and sunny spring day, rather too warm for football was the weather for Sunday last, when Yanco premiers for 1925, and Wilga, 1924 premiers met at Whitton to decide who should become possessors of the Roberts-Gavel Cup, which was presented to the M.I.A. League competition.
Mr. J. Lodding was the umpire, and he kept the game moving for the four quarters. There was a large attendance of onlookers, most of them travelling from Yanco and Leeton per motor bus and motor car, though Wilga had a large number of supporters from the district outside the irrigation area.
The boys of Yanco were defeated by men, who had an older knowledge of the game. Yanco gave away too many free kicks and it was that which cost them the game. "Pouncer" Wade, a real old identity as a footballer gained numerous free kicks by his tactful methods.
The wearers of the maroon and gold also lost their heads a little and paid more attention to the man than the ball, though there was a little rough play with sandwiching and side-on bumps were the greatest offences.
Wilga had the wind with them in the first quarter, and scored 2 goals, 8 behinds to 1 behind. In the second quarter Yanco scored freely and at half-time the scores were: Yanco 3 goals 3 behinds, Wilga 2 goals 8 behinds. At the end of the third quarter the score was: Wilga 5 goals 12 behinds to Yanco 3 goals 4 behinds. The final scores were Wilga 6 goals 12 behinds - 48 points to Yanco 3 goals 8 behinds - 26 points.
For the greater part of the game Yanco played one man short, J Eurell received a nasty kick on the leg, putting him off the field for the remainder of the match.
During the afternoon the Leeton District Band rendered musical numbers, which was appreciated by the big concource of people.
The Wilga team that defeated Yanco for the Roberts-Gavel Cup was D Finley (capt.), T Finley, M Johnston, T Johnston, J Patterson, H Ray, G De Mamiel, A McGrader, A McGrath, R Guest, J Galbraith, J Nish, R Sullivan, W Wade, J Haines, H Tilden C Bone and J Relihan.
(Murrumbidgee Irrigator - Tuesday September 22, 1925).

Les Anderson, Bill Bamford, Tom Barnes, John Barrow, Joe Brown, Harold Chadney, Joe G. Casserly, Jim Darcy, Bill Doyle, Fred Eardley, Fred Fennell, Bill Foster, Jack Fox, Arthur Flynn, J. Harris, W. James, Don Kennett, Clarrie Kurtz, E. McLeod, McCuffs, McKay, Wack O'Grady, Sid O'Halloran, F.W. "Bill" Owen, Jack Owen, Frank Polkinghorne, George Rodgers, Allan Scott, Bob Stevenson, Charlie Stevenson, Bob Thomson, George Towart, W. Wilkinson, Edgar "Jack" Wood.

Debuts: Bill Bamford, Tom Barnes, John Barrow, Harold Chadney, Joe G. Casserly, Jim Darcy, Bill Doyle, Fred Eardley, Fred Fennell, Bill Foster, Jack Fox, Arthur Flynn, J. Harris, W. James, Clarrie Kurtz, E. McLeod, McCuffs, McKay, Wack O'Grady, Bill Owen, Jack Owen, George Rodgers, Bob Stevenson, Charlie Stevenson, Bob Thomson, George Towart, W. Wilkinson. 
Final Games: Bill Bamford, Tom Barnes, John Barrow, Joe Brown, Harold Chadney, Jim Darcy, Bill Doyle, Fred Fennell, Bill Foster, Arthur Flynn, J. Harris, W. James, Don Kennett, E. McLeod, McCuffs, McKay, Sid O'Halloran, George Rodgers, Bob Thomson, George Towart, W. Wilkinson.


Round 1 - Sat 9 May: Leeton 5.7 (37) def Marrar 3.6 (24), Matong def Ganmain by 37 pts, Narandera 10.18 (78) def Grong Grong 1.5 (11); Coolamon, bye.
R2 - May 16: Coolamon 5.7 (37) def by Leeton 7.12 (54), Marrar 9.8 (62) def Narandera 5.5 (35), Matong 7.12 (54) def Grong Grong 1.2 (8); Ganmain, bye
R3 - May 23: Ganmain 11.9 vs Coolamon 10.14, disputed score, Marrar 8.8 (56) def Grong Grong 3.7 (25), Narandera 7.13 (55) def Matong 7.10 (52); Leeton, bye. The re-play of the deputed match between Coolamon and Ganmain due to be played 22nd August did not take place, as Ganmain's position would not be seriously affected by the result it was decided to forfeit the match in favor of Coolamon.
R4 - May 30: Coolamon def Grong Grong, Marrar def by Ganmain, Matong  def by Leeton; Narandera, bye.
R5 - June 6: Coolamon 5.14 (44) def Marrar 2.11 (23), Grong Grong 5.6 (36) def by Ganmain 13.18 (96), Leeton 4.12 (36) def Narandera 3.3 (21); Matong, bye.
R6 - June 13: Coolamon 7.5 (47) def by Narandera 8.13 (61), Ganmain 14.8 (92) def Leeton 10.11 (71), Marrar 1.2 (8) def by Matong 3.7 (25); Grong Grong, bye.
R7 - June 20: Leeton 42 def Grong Grong 0.2 (2), Matong 3.14 (32) def Coolamon 2.6 (18), Narandera 11.13 (79) def Ganmain 4.5 (29); Marrar, bye. 
R8 - June 27: Ganmain 7.1 (43) def Matong 5.12 (42), Grong Grong 0.2 (2) def by Narandera 14.12 (96), Marrar 10.10 (70) def Leeton 7.7 (49), Coolamon, bye.
R9 - July 4: Grong Grong 3.2 (20) def by Matong 11.14 (80), Leeton 11. 8 (74) def Coolamon 2.6 (18), Narandera 5.14 (44) vs Marrar 7.9 (51); Ganmain, bye. Narandera awarded match as Marrar played W McIntyre without a permit.
R10 - July 18: Coolamon 6.11 (47) def Ganmain 4.14 (38), Marrar 15.16 (106) def Grong Grong 8.10 (58), Matong 10.10 (76) def Narandera 5.9 (39); Leeton, bye. 
R11 - July 25: Ganmain 6.9 (45) def Marrar 5.11 (41) , Grong Grong 5.9 (39) def by Coolamon 11.8 (74), Matong 7.3 (45) def Leeton 5.7 (37); Narandera, bye.
R12 - August 1: Ganmain def Grong Grong, Marrar def Coolamon, Narandera 5.8 (38) def by Leeton 6.11 (47); Matong, bye.
R13 - August 8: Leeton 6.12 (48) def by Ganmain 7.8 (50), Matong 4.8 (32) def Marrar 4.7 (31), Narandera 6.16 (52) def Coolamon 6.8 (44); Grong Grong, bye.
R14 - August 15: Coolamon 6.9 (45) def by Matong 6.10 (46), Ganmain 7.14 (56) def by Narandera 9.6 (60), Grong Grong def by Leeton by 35 pts ; Marrar, bye.

SWDFL First Semi-Final - August 29, 1925 at Kindra Park

Narandera .... 3.2 .. 3.6 .. 6.12 .. 6.14 (50)
Ganmain ....... 1.4 .. 3.5 .. 7.6 .. 8.8 (56)
Umpire: H. Warren, of Sydney
Goals - Narandera: J Savage 2, L Tindale, R Griggs, R Gass, Brown
Ganmain: P Carroll 2, P Naughtin 2, M Bean 2, E Noonan

Narandera team: Jack Brown (capt), Percy Willis, Jack Savage, Fred Nielsen, Ben Hawkshaw, J. M. Jones, C Little, Vin Simpson, Doug Adams, Gordon Potter, Lachlan Tindale, Bob Gass, Rupert Griggs, E.O. Bartsch, Frank Pink, Walter Hunter, Otto Schutze, Stan Russell, 
Ganmain team: Paddy Carroll (capt), Ted Noonan, Con Smith, Stan Cox, Pat Naughtin, George Cedelland, Ernie Wilson, J & F Holland, F. McPhillips, H. Brill, G. Curtis, Pat Sheehy, Jack Daines, Maurice Bean, Jack McQualter, Val Conlon, William Sheehan.   

Match report: For nearly two years Ganmain has tried to beat Narandera at football, and the task was not accomplished until last Saturday, when the Ganmain team was victorious over Narandera by six points in the first of this year's semi finals for the J. A. Alexander Cup in the S.W.D.F.L. competition. The match was played at Coolamon, and the attendance was satisfactory, the gate receipts totaling over £60. The special train from Narandera carried a full complement of passengers. A big contingent of Narandera people made the trip, and the other towns along the line were well represented in the crowd.

The standard of the football displayed, however, was somewhat disappointing, and it was chiefly the even nature of the scoring that keep the crowd so interested, and at times excited. Ganmain was unfortunate in being without the services of "Snowy" Smith, for he is usually a tower of strength to the team, but fortune treated the team kindly during the match, and there are few who will not admit Ganmain was lucky to win.

The Ganmain team had a "day out," while Narandera seemed to be laboring against difficulties right from the start, and it was certainly a serious handicap to the team when, in the second quarter, Vin Simpson, who was playing very well, had the misfortune to sustain a dislocated collarbone as the result of being sandwiched between two opposing players. The was, however, merit as well as luck in Ganmain's play, and we take this opportunity of congratulating the team on its success. The players were often quicker to the ball than most of the Narrandera men, and a few of them marked better. Their kicking at goal was far more accurate than that of Narandera, as they got 8 goals including three from free kicks in front, from 16 scoring shots, while Narandera only scored 6 goals from 20 scoring shots. Source - Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser / Tues 1 Sep, 1925.

SWDFL Second Semi-Final - September 5, 1925 at Ganmain Sportsground
Matong .... 6.6 (42)
Leeton ..... 5.16 (46)

Umpire: C. Murray, of Sydney
Goals - Matong: C Baker 3, R Black 2, B Hughes
Leeton: M McLeish 2, A Roberts, J Brennan, D Ayres
Matong team: Gerald O'Meara (capt), Charlie Baker, L. Flanagan, Roly Hughes, Hugh Doherty, Vern Greenham, Jack Doherty, L Myers, Victor Jones, Tim Jones, W. "Chalky" Jones, Frank Murphy, R Blair, Tas Flanagan, Bob Black, R Henderson, Bob Hughes, Eric Justice.
Leeton team: A. Tonkin (capt), Bill Swasbrick, Jack Nish, Jack Adams, A.G. "Plugger" Roberts, Ben Roberts, Ted McClellan, W Smith, Arthur Harding, Joe Brennan, Doug Ayres, Mat McLeish, C Grigg, Jim Lodding, Jack Schwab, Bill Taylor, Fred Lloyd, Len Polkinghorne.
Match report: Ganmain recreation ground in the past has been the scene of many close and exciting contents, but none more so than the titanic and thrilling battle staged on Saturday afternoon last by  Matong, minor premiers and Leeton, in the second semi final of this seasons of the S.W.D. League premiership. The big crowd who attended saw a stirring exhibition of football, frequently punctuated by bright phases of combined effort and individual flashes of brilliancy, and witnessed a hair-raising finish, in which Leeton emerged victorious, on practically the last kick of the day a goal by four points.
Interest in the match was particularly keen, as evidenced by the fact that the special train from the west end was crowded, and the takings at the gate totaled £75/7. The weather was ideal, and both clubs were represented by their best available forces. T Kennedy (Matong) and Joe Gavel (Leeton), both who had suffered injuries in the concluding matches of the round, being the only absentees.

As the players filed onto the field both teams, received a hearty reception from the big crowd present.
In the opening quarter Matong kicked to the road goal and were favored with a slight breeze. Matong were first to get going and by the end of the term had established a lead of 13 points. Leeton picked up eight points in the second quarter, and at half time Matong led by five points. In the third session Leeton showed of what they were capable, their general play being superior to the Magpies, but their kicking for goal was erratic, as in the previous quarters. But they succeed in gaining a useful lead of 12 points.

Matong made a brilliant fight back in the concluding term and got in front by four points. For a while it appeared as if the west enders were faltering. The Leetonians, however were no means finished, and the crowd roared with excitement as they returned to the fray and launched attack after attack on Matong's citadel. After they had wiped off two points, Matong strove heroically to stem the tide, and with only a couple of minutes still to go they had the advantage of two points. At this point a young Matong player received a mark about six yards off the behind post on the eastern side, but instead of waiting to take his kick he made the fatal mistake of attempting a run across the goal mouth. In a flash a couple of Leeton players closed in on him and losing possessing of the ball in front of the sticks, Doug Ayres (Leeton) snapped it up and decided victory for his side by potting a goal. The ball had only reached the centre when the bell rang, proclaiming Leeton winners of a battle by four points.
On the day Tonkin was Leeton's outstanding man, and as general handled the team splendidly. He played a very heady game and was the prime mover in many of the team's attacks. Swasbrick, Brennan, Schwab, McClellan, Smith, Ayres, McLeish, Lodding and Grigg also worked liked Trojans to gain the day. 
For Matong, Charlie Baker and Victor Jones were ever conspicuous, and they were ably supported by Eric Justice, who took some fine marks, Tas Flanagan, Hugh Doherty, O'Meara, Murphy and others.  Source - Coolamon-Ganmain Farmers' Review / Fri 11 Sep 1925.

SWDFL Final  - September 19, 1925 at Narrandera Park
Leeton ......... 2.3 .. 3.8 .. 5.10 .. 6.11 (47)
Ganmain ..... 2.2 .. 6.3 .. 8.5 .. 9.10 (64)

Umpire: G Warren, of Sydney 
Goals - Leeton: F Lloyd 2, J Adams, W Swasbrick, E McLennan, J Brennan 
Ganmain: P Naughtin 5, P Carroll 2, W Sheehan 2, 
Leeton team: Arthur Tonkin (capt), Bill Swasbrick, Jack Nish, Jack Adams, Ben & A. G. "Plugger" Roberts, Ted McLennan, W. Smith, Arthur Harding, Doug Ayres, Joe Brennan, Mat McLeish, C Grigg, Jim Lodding, Jack Schwab, Bill Taylor, Len Polkinghorne, Fred Lloyd
Ganmain team: Paddy Carroll (capt), Ted Noonan, Con Smith, Stan Cox, Pat Naughtin, George Cedelland, Ernie Wilson, J & F Holland, F. McPhillips, H. Brill, G. Curtis, Pat Sheehy, Maurice Bean, L. 'Snowy' Smith, Jack McQualter, Val Conlon, William Sheehan.

Match report: The final match of the South Western District Football League was played on Saturday afternoon last on Narandera Park oval, in fine weather. There was a record attendance, the gate takings amounted to £138/13/9 (as against £95 at the final played at Leeton last season), which constitutes a record for a League match. Leeton, who scored a sensational win over Matong, a fortnight previously, found Ganmain too strong in an entertaining game, and suffered defeat by 17 points.

Both teams appeared in fine fettle, and the pace was clapped on from the bounce. Ganmain evidently trying the same ruse against their adversaries as proved so success at Ganmain earlier in the season, when the Maroons gained such a decisive victory.

But on this occasion Leeton kept them in check until the second quarter when the "Main" early hit the front, and from this out never looked back. On the day Ganmain were unquestionably the better team, and the great work of "Snowy" Smith in defence upset many Leeton's forward drives and turned them to the right about. As of many games throughout the season Leeton's kicking for goal was astray, their players frequently failing to find the goal.
The chief feature of the match was the spectacular marking and effective defence work of "Snowy" Smith and the goal kicking of "Paddy" Naughtin, who landed five goals. These two players had much to do with Ganmain's victory, but the whole of the team is deserving of much praise for the part they played in the victory. Of a very even lot perhaps Con Smith, "Bib" Holland, Carroll, Bean, McPhillips, J Holland, Cedelland, Sheedy and McQualter were the pick of the others. 
For Leeton, Joe Brennan, Schwab, McClellan, Swasbrick, Nish, Ayres, Smith, Lodding and Tonkin were the most conspicuous of a very even eighteen.
This win gives Ganmain the premiership, but as Matong have the right to challenge as minor premiers, they will have to defend the title.  A protest has also been lodged against Ganmain for playing "Snowy" Smith, who they allege is not a bona fide resident of the district. Source - Coolamon-Ganmain Farmers' Review / Fri 25 Sep 1925.  



On Monday evening last the Judiciary Committee of the S.W.D. Football League resumed the hearing of the protest lodged by the Leeton Club against the action of the Ganmain Club in playing L. Smith in the final match between Ganmain and Leeton.
The grounds on which the protest was lodged were (1) That Smith was not a resident of Ganmain; (2) that he was a paid player; and (3) that he had not received a clearance from the club he last played with, nor a permit from the S.W.D.F. L. to play with Ganmain.
The Ganmain delegates were accompanied by Smith, who stated that his address was Goulburn. He had been employed at Ganmain for five or six weeks from May last. He travelled to various towns in the district while following his occupation, and since he was employed at Ganmain Club had travelled there about five times in order to play with the Ganmain Club, though he did not always travel direct from Goulburn. He had received cheques from the Ganmain Club, as payment for his railway fares and expenses. He added that he had not played Australian rules football for several years, therefore had not played with Wangaratta in 1923, as alleged.

After further evidence, the Judiciary Committee, by majority, decided to dismiss the protest. We understand that the Leeton Club intends to appeal to the N.S.W. against the decision. Source - Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser / Fri 02 Oct, 1925.

SWDFL Challenge Final - Sat Oct 10, 1925 at Ganmain Sportsground
Ganmain ..... 7.1 .. 10.5 (65)
Matong ....... 3.7 .. 5.15 (51)

Umpire: C Murray, of Sydney
Goals - Ganmain:  P Naughtin 2, F Holland 2, E Wilson, C Smith, M Bean, G Cedelland, J Sheehan, E Noonan
Matong: E Justice 2, C Baker 2, R Black, J Doherty
Ganmain team: Con Smith, L. "Snowy" Smith, Ted Noonan; Stan Cox, Jack McQualter, H. Brill; George Cedelland, Paddy Carroll (capt), F McPhillips; Pat Naughtin, William Sheehan, Ernie Wilson; Maurice Bean, Pat Sheehy; Frank Holland  
Matong team: Vern Greenham, Frank Murphy, Roly Hughes; Bob Hughes, Tas Flanagan, Gerald O'Meara (capt); Alex Jones, Charlie Baker, Tim Jones; J. Hughes, Eric Justice, Lindsay Flanagan; Hugh Doherty, Bob Black, Jack Doherty; L Myers, W. "Chalky" Jones; Victor Jones
Match report: The grand final of the South Western District Football League's competition, which was delayed a fortnight owning to Leeton's protest, was on Saturday afternoon between Ganmain and Matong (challengers).
For this time of year, the weather was pleasant and was far more favorable for playing football than that prevailing a day or two earlier. The fact of the match being close to the Narandera Show prevented a number of local residents making the trip to Ganmain, but nevertheless the trip to Ganmain was highly satisfactory, £85 was taken at the gates. 
Many of the spectators left the ground convinced that Ganmain was somewhat lucky to win. It was Paddy Naughtin's phenomenal accuracy when kicking for goal, against Matong's erratic kicking forward, that won the premiership for Ganmain. From 15 scoring shots, Ganmain registered 10 goals 5 behinds, while Matong's 22 scoring kicks resulted in only six goals 16 behinds. The match was fairly evenly contested throughout, and at times the play was fairly rough. Ganmain were a little superior in the first half and scored 7 goals 1 behind to 3 goals 7 behinds.
Matong forced the play practically the whole of the next two quarters, and if their kicking had been reasonable true, they may have turned defeat into victory, but they only succeeded in scoring 3 goals 9 behinds to 3 goal 4 behinds. The final scores were: Ganmain 10 goals 5 behinds (65): Matong, 6 goals 16 behinds (52).
Eric Justice played a great game for Matong, and he generally declared to be the best of the 36. He was superb in the air and outshone "Snowy" Smith, of Ganmain. Naughtin was the hero of the match for Ganmain.
This the first occasion since the war that the Ganmain team has won the premiership, and it will have the honor of holding the Alexander Cup for 12 months, as well as receiving the 18 karat gold medals presented by Mr. W. C. Barker, of Narandera and Leeton. Last year the Ganmain team was runner up to Narandera and its form has been consistent this season, so its success is well deserved. We therefore offer our congratulations to the Ganmain players. The cup will be handed over to the Ganmain team at a meeting of the League next week. Source - Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser / Tues 13 Oct, 1925.


Coolamon (Greens): Alonzo Slade (capt),  Ern Andrews, Les Anderson, O Armour, Ralph Armstrong, Allan Black, George Blacklock, A Cain, J Campbell, W Ceely, Mick Curtis, C Davey, R Davies, R Dennett, I Dixon, Grosvenor and Herb Hawthorn, C Holloway, R Iverach, S Kuschert, Allan Longmore, Reg Lucas, Jim Maloney, Jack McLean, H Overs, L Pyke, J Ryan, Will Sands, Dave Sells, Clive Turner, Cecil Vesperman, Clarrie Vesperman

Ganmain (Maroons): Paddy Carroll (capt), Maurice Bean, H. Brill, George Cedelland, Val Conlon, Stan Cox, Jack Daines, A. Fromholtz, Frank "Bib" Holland, J Holland, Jack McQualter, F McPhillips, Pat Naughtin, Ted Noonan, William Pieper, W. Peetch, Pat Sheedy, Con Smith, L. "Snowy" Smith, Wardley, Ernie Wilson, 

Grong Grong (Blues): Reg Hutchins, Ron Hutchins, R Reid, Alf Bean, W Guymer

Leeton (colors - red & white): Arthur Tonkin (capt), Bill Swasbrick (vice-capt), Jack Adams, Doug Ayres, Clarrie Bowyer, Joe Brennan, Don Finley, Joe Gabel, C. Grigg, Arthur "Curley" Harding, Keeble, Lang, Lashbrook, Jim Lodding, Fred Lloyd, Ted McClelland, Matt McLeish, Geoff Neil, Jack Nish, Len Polkinghorne, A. G. "Plugger" Roberts, Ben Roberts, Rogers, Trevor Saker, Jack Schwab, W. Smith, Bill Taylor, Ted Watkins.

Marrar (colors red & blue): Eric Donald (capt), Lou Fury (vice-capt), C Barton, J Barton, F Bolt, Joe Breheny, Brown, Arthur "Slip" Campbell, Cartwright, Catlin, Cooper, Evans, J Fox, Darcy Fury, Bob Fury, J Harper, Wally Jones, V Kaine, Bill McIntyre, C McKay, C Rees, Ernie Turner, J Wheeler. 

Matong (colors - black & white): Gerald O'Meara (capt), Charlie Baker, Bob Black, Hugh "Sap" Doherty, Jack Doherty, Lindsay Flanagan, Tas Flanagan, Vern Greenham, J. Hughes, Bob Hughes, Roly Hughes, Alick Jones, W. "Chalky" Jones, Tim Jones, Victor Jones, T. Kennedy, Eric Justice, Frank Murphy, L Myers, R Smith, 

Narandera Imperial (colors - maroon & gold ): Jack Brown (capt), Percy Willis (vice-capt), E. O. Bartsch, Bates Flood, Bob Gass, A Gilchrist, Rupert Griggs, Ben Hawkshaw, George Hinchley, Fred Hudson, Walter Hunter, J M Jones, S. Kuschert, L Lawrence, C Little, Bill McLean, B. Monoghan, L. "Basil" Myers, Fred Nielsen, Will Longmore, H. "Doody" Osmond, A.T. Pattinson, Frank Pink, Gordon Potter, C Richardson, Stanley Russell, Jack Savage, Otto Schultze, Vin Simpson, J. Slender, Lachlan Tindale, Alby Treloar, Jeremy Willis, Doug Weir. 

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