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 1969 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" May 11, 1969 - No. 5 

By Swan: After a somewhat ragged and hard fought first half our team finished on splendidly to defeat the Tigers on Sunday and scoring 16-7 in the last two quarters boosted our percentage enough for us to regain second place.

We had a lot of good players in the second half but for a four quarter effort Bruce Forbes, Geoff Martin and Frank Conlan were tops.

Spectators in the first half saw the unusual spectacle of Ron O'Neill missing "sitters" but he found his radar after half-time and retained his goal kicking lead with 9 goals.

Although his ration has now been reduced Scottie with two of the longest goals of the day emphasised his claim that malt is strengthening food (drink?).

Our thanks to Whitton for joining in the ceremony to mark Don Best's 200 games.

Our Seconds had things pretty easy in their 164-23 win with John Candusso, Bob Harris and Ray Smith setting a fairly lively pace.

Bruce Forbes was married yesterday and our best wishes go to him and his bride. We will miss Bruce today but feel confident we can dim some of the Stars a little Swansdown. 

Last weeks star player Bruce Forbes: Full 100 minutes of strong purposeful football.

Notes No. 6 >>>

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