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SWANS CLUB NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" September 11, 1966 - No. 20
Turvey Park seconds were far too purposeful last Sunday, with the result we line-up today one down and two to go.
Despite all reports of our experienced team, "butterflies" predominated at Matong and the team did not start to play as expected until the last quarter and then it was much too late.
Of the few who played as expected Jim Eley, Oscar Biron and Ron Dreyer were most prominent.
Our Ball last Friday was an outstanding success. The "belt" was shared by several strong contenders. Our club award has been finalised - the Col Longobardi Point score award - and the results are: 1st 18, Sid Robins; runner-up, Mal Russell. 2nd 18, Ray Smith; runner-up, Mick Newman.
"Bones" is not a spectacular player and gained only two votes in the Gammage Medal, but it's "London to a brick" this won't be the only Griffith trophy (with different judging panels) that he will win this season.
Today at Leeton our firsts and thirds battle out their second semi-finals with Narrandera teams, and we have high hopes of a brace of wins.