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 1975 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" August 24, 1975 - No. 19 

By Swan:  Players, supporters, committee, everyone - the club's Annual Ball is on this coming Friday, August 29th at Yoogali Club. Tickets available at Bob Carroll's Menswear, so slip in tomorrow and pick up yours.  Votes in the Cottees' Cash Award last week were won by Arch Wilkey 5, Bubba Tye 4, Nifty Brand 3, Bones Robins 2, Spotlight Collis 1.

In the Second XVIII Bob Carroll's Menswear Suit award, Terry Hughes 5 votes, Shane Best 4, Greg Hill 3, Horse Gardner 2, Mops Hall 1.

The First XVIII Griffith Co-op Award was won by Garry Parslow and Terry Hughes won the Warburtons Plumbing Service Cash award in the Seconds.

John Corbett won the Third XVIII Neville Dawson Menswear award with a great match - John, like so many of our Thirds players, is getting better every week.

I see a great career as a journalist for Trevor Miller after his efforts in the Area News this week - he will probably have this job too.

 Notes No. 20 >>>

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