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 1969 SEASON 
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 GRIFFITH NOTES: "The Aussie Ruler" April 27, 1969 - No. 3 

By Swan: The Swans won the first "battle of the birds" last Sunday but, despite the loss of a few feathers, the Magpies went home with there heads unbowed and hoping to do better in round two.

Although a little slow to get going and trailing by 11 points in the first quarter, our fellows turned on some dazzling football to outscore GG-M 110 to 18 in the next 50 minutes and wrap up their 15th straight win.

Our best - the whole 18 with Peggy and his 14 goals leading the way, while the "mutton chop" boys Marto and Smithy also came under a lot of notice and not only for their hirsute adorments either.

We were pleased to have the Magpie players and officials with us for a chat and a sip or two in the first after game get together in our new clubrooms.

Our Seconds, paced by coach Les Collis and Ralph Robins, also won rather comfortably although had GG-M kicked straighter the difference would not have been so great.

It was pleasing to see two teams of under 12 having a practice game early on Sunday morning and this growing interest amongst the young fry is most encouraging.

Notes No. 4 >>>


By Neil Griggs

Well 16 proved to be an unlucky number for Griffith on Sunday, when after 15 straight wins they were defeated by Leeton.

No one wanted the team to lose but the players were becoming more conscious of their winning sequence.

The Red and Whites now should be more relaxed and better team and can take games as they come without mounting tension of maintaining a winning run.


A typical hard solid Griffith - Leeton clash on Sunday featured no untoward incidents amongst the players and the only happening of note came in the second quarter when Griffith captain-coach Ron O'Neill asked that the Leeton goal umpire be replaced, and after O'Neill, umpire Jack Hayes, Leeton captain-coach Ike Ilsley, and Leeton officials had conferred a replacement was made.

This happening is probably without precedent in the SWDFL and most spectators were in the opinion it could not be done, but it was authoritatively stated after the game that a coach with the consent of the opposition coach is entitled to make such a request providing the goal umpire is jeopardising his team's chances.

Some of the Leeton fans naturally thought that the Griffith coach was "screaming" about a previous disputed goal but O'Neill has been a full forward for many years and has countless decisions concerning goals go against him and has carried on, so obviously there was more than the loss of a goal behind his move, a contention which was borne out by the unhesitating manner in which Leeton officials acceded to his request and found a replacement.


Griffith this year are fielding a rather young third 18 team and on Sunday the players and officials were in near shock when the Leeton team ran out.

The Leeton officials it seems may have forgotten about the age restriction on third 18 players as some of their players were well over the maximum permissible age of 22 years and not in keeping with the aims and objects of the third 18 competition.


Next Sunday prior to the start of the senior game against Whitton at tha Ex-Servicemen's Oval, the Griffith Club will honour Don Best on the occasion of his 200th game in the Red and White guernsey.

There will be a small ceremony prior to the players running out onto the ground and during the after game social the opportunity will be taken to make a presentation to Don to mark this special milestone in his football career.


Griffith officials for Sunday's game at the Ex-Servicemen's Oval are:-

Gates - 11-12 Bill Simmons, Ern Myott, Rod Manning; 12-1 Roy McDermott, Ferg King, Leo O'Keefe; 1-2 Pat Agnew, Tom Wade, Fred Holt; 2-3 Bill King, Geoff Boothman, Pat Smith; 3-3.30 Bob Carroll, Pat Cudmore.

Boundary Umpires: Second 18 - Jack Luhrs, Allan Best; First 18: Fred Lodding, Allan Stacy; Goal Umpires: L. Rogers, Jack Mitchell. Timekeepers: Mrs Spears, Owen Bested.

Riverina Weekly Advocate - Wednesday April 30, 1969

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