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Player Records D - J

Eric DAHL*, (1954-55), 12 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Griffith Rugby Union

Henry DAINES*, (1922, 34), Ex. Ganmain

Jack DAINES*, (1921-22, 26-27, 29-35), Ex. Ganmain, (Stanbridge 1928)

Rodney DALE, (1973), 1 appearance, Ex. Jerilderie

Neil DAL NEVO, (1975), 4 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Richard DALWOOD, (1971-72), 13 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

J. DALY*, (1914-15) 

Sam DANIEL, (2015-19, 21-23), 105 appearances - 75 goals, Ex. Queanbeyan

Rick DANIHER, (2012) 14 appearances

P. "Jim" DARCY*, (1925)

Jack DARE*, (1921-22), Ex. Leeton

Ray DAVIES, (1960-64, 67), 87 appearances - 54 goals, Ex. Darlington Point

Brett O. DAVIS, (1993-97), 56 appearances - 42 goals, Ex. Sale

Brett DAVIS, (2008), 13 appearances - 23 goals, Ex. Hay Lions

Ern DAVY*, (1926), Ex. Leeton

Bruce DAWES*, (1935-41), Ex. Hanwood

John DEDINI*, (1941), Ex. Ganmain

Henry DELVES, (2011-13, 15, 21, 23-24), 62 appearances - 114 goals, Ex. Juniors

Luke DEMAMIEL, 2024), 13 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Trent DE MARCO, (1997), 1 appearance

Ed. DEMPSEY*, (1930-32, 35), Ex. Juniors

Herb DEMPSEY snr.*, (1915, 21-22)

Herb DEMPSEY jnr.*, (1931), Ex. Juniors

Patrick DEMPSEY, (1996-97), 8 appearances, Ex. Corowa-Rutherglen

Brian DENSLEY*, (1954), 6 appearances, Ex. St. Kilda

Francis DE PAGNY*, (1922)

Tony DE PASTINA, (1992), 1 appearance

John DIGGELMANN, (1954-59, 62), 53 appearances - 1 goal

O. DIHM*, (1921)

Tony DILLON, (1980-81, 84, 86), 31 appearances - 10 goals, Ex. Juniors

Andy DOBSON, (1988), 4 appearances, Ex. West Aust.

Ronald DOBSON*, (1941), 2 appearances

Nick DONNELLON, (1999), 2 appearances, Ex. Coleambally

Mick DOWELL*, (1931)

Bill DOWNIE*, (1931)

Bill DOYLE*, (1925)

Trevor DRAKE, (1979), 1 appearance, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Dennis DREYER, (1960-70), 87 appearances - 34 goals, Ex. Beelbangera

Greg DREYER, (1987-01, 03-04, 06), 207 appearances - 17 goals, Ex. Juniors

Ronald DREYER, (1963, 66-67, 70), 6 appearances - 1 goal

Shayne DRISCOLL, (1999), 14 appearances - 8 goals

Steve DUDLEY*, (1921-22)

David DUNBAR, (2013-14), 8 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Coleambally

George DUNCAN*, (1970-77, 79), 113 appearances, Ex. Yenda

Kane DUNCAN, (1996-97), 10 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Kris DUNCAN, (2004-06, 08-13, 15, 17-18), 101 appearances - 80 goals, Ex. Juniors

Michael DUNCAN, (1998-2019), 314 appearances - 453 goals, Ex. Juniors  

Rodney DUNCAN, (1997-2006, 09), 122 appearances - 89 goals, Ex. Juniors

David DUNKLEY, (1993), 20 appearances - 64 goals, Ex. Devon

Peter DUNKLEY, (1993), 20 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Devon

David DUNN, (1999), 7 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Leo DUNN*, (1957), 2 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Whitton

Dennis DUNN, (1990), 1 appearance - 4 goals, Ex. Jerilderie

William DUPREZ*, (1914), Ex. Cootamundra

Pat DWYER*, (1978-79), 32 appearances - 20 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Peter DWYER, (1979), 13 appearances - 13 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors


Jack Daines


Greg Dreyer


Michael Duncan


Rodney Duncan

Fred EARDLEY*, (1925, 27), Ex. Leeton

Cian EBERT, (2002-03), 30 appearances - 26 goals, Ex. Cora Lyn

Robert EDDY, (1959), 1 appearance, 1 goal, Ex. South Aust.

Matthews EDWARDS, (1998-99), 8 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Stewart EGAN, (1993), 17 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. St. Arnaud

David EICHLER, (1994), 18 appearances - 12 goals, Ex. St Marys, GFL

Max ELDRIDGE, (1966-68, 72), 21 appearances, Ex. Sandy Creek

Jim ELEY*, (1961-64, 66), 63 appearances - 24 goals, Ex. Yarroweyah,  (Darlington Point 1963)

Michael ELLIOTT, (1998), 4 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Juniors

Peter ELLIS, (1958), 4 appearances - 1 goal

William ELLIS, (2022), 6 appearances, 1 goal, Ex Juniors

Billy EVANS, (2024), 16 appearances - 11 goals, Ex. Juniors

Brian EVANS, (1996), 15 appearances, Ex. Barellan United

David H. EVANS*, (1934-38), Ex. Juniors

Dillon EVANS, (2013), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors (Giants)

Jeff EVANS, (1969-72), 10 appearances - 1 goal, (Whitton 1971)

John EVANS, (2011-13, 18), 25 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Neil EVANS*, (1937-38), Ex. Juniors

Noel EVANS*, (1971), 16 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Weethalle

Robert EVANS*, (1961), 4 appearances, Ex. Sandy Creek

Vern EVANS*, (1947, 49), Ex. Matong

Paul EYLES, (1999), 16 appearances - 49 goals - Ex. Eaglehawk

Edward FAIVA, (2015), 1 appearance, Ex. Mallee Eagles
James FALLON, (2007, 09-15), 93 appearances - 36 goals, Ex. Juniors

Ashley FAULKER, (1979), 5 apperances - 4 goals, Ex. Juniors

Ted FELTWELL*, (1948-58), 143 appearances - 300 goals

Fred FENNELL*, (1925)

Brendan FEVOLA, (2013), 1 appearance - 7 goals, Ex. Yarrawonga

Jim FIELDER, (1953-62), 137 appearances - 41 goals, Ex. Juniors

Christian FILES, (1990-92, 95), 15 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Danny FILES, (1987-89, 95), 58 appearances - 40 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Terang 1990-93)

Roland FINCH, (2010), 10 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Fred FISHER*, (1934), Ex. Juniors

FITZMEAD*, (1930)

Shane FITZSIMMONS, (1994), 17 appearances - 19 goals, Ex. West Adelaide

Brian FITZPATRICK, (1965, 67), 39 appearances, Ex. Leeton

John FITZPATRICK, (1966-67), 33 appearances, Ex. Echuca

Jim C. FLATTLEY*, (1938-41)

Bates FLODD*, (1935), Ex. Narrandera

Jack FLOOD*, (1931)

Jim FLOOD*, (1941, 46, 48)

Arthur FLYNN*, (1925), Ex. Hanwood

Dan FOLEY*, (1941), 10 appearances - 13 goals

Graham FOLEY, (1993-94, 2002, 05-07), 56 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Juniors (Hillston 2003-04)

John FOLEY, (1964-71, 75), 120 appearances - 136 goals, Ex. Leeton

Joshua FOLEY, (2013-14), 4 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Ray FOLEY*, (1952-53), 15 appearances - 1 goal

Richard FOLEY*, (1930)

Samuel FOLEY, (2016-18, 22-24), 88 appearances - 7 goals, Ex. Juniors (Giants)

Bruce FORBES, (1969-73), 83 appearances - 140 goals, Ex. South Broken Hill

John FORBES*, (1958-60, 63), 8 appearances, Ex. Beelbangera

Ben FORD, (2000-10), 150 appearances - 31 goals, Ex. Juniors

Frank FORD*, (1929-30, 32-35), (Hanwood 1931)

Jim FORD, (1955-56), 5 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Eddie FORRESTAL*, (1936-41, 46-47), Ex. Juniors

Chris FORWOOD, (2007), 1 appearance, Ex. Barellan United

Bill FOSTER*, (1925)

Jack FOX*, (1925-26, 29), Ex. Yenda,  (Yenda 1930)

Michael FOXALL, (1987-88), 4 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Warren FOY, (1982, 84), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Tim FRASER, (1994-96), 52 appearances - 12 goals, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Cory FRATER, (1999), 6 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Rivcoll

Rick FRKOVIC, (2003-04), 13 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors


Ted Feltwell

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Brendan Fevola


Jim Fielder.

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Jim Flattley


Gerd GABRIEL, (1988), 4 appearances - East Wagga-Kooringal

Allan GAMBELL*, (1921-22) - Hillston

Fred GAMBELL, (1954-62, 64, 66-67), 89 appearances - 9 goals, Ex. Caulfield District

Robert GAMBLE, (1981), 4 appearances, Ex. Juniors

K. GARDINER*, (1936), Ex. Acton, ACT

Ashley GARDNER, (2001, 03-06), 57 appearances - 143 goals, Ex. Juniors

Gary GARDNER, (1971-75), 47 appearance - 64 goals, Ex. Juniors

Glen GARNER, (1993), 19 appearances - 14 goals

John GARZOLI, (1982), 12 appearances - 10 goals, Ex. Juniors

Jonathon GASTIN, (2006-19), 204 appearances - 68 goals, Ex. Juniors

David GEE, (1991-93, 96, 98), 26 appearances - 17 goals, Ex. Juniors

William GEE*, (1931)

Colin GEDDES*, (1964), 8 appearances - 3 goals

Doug GEDDES*, (1960-62), 36 appearances - 13 goals, Ex. Sandy Creek

Eric GEDDES*, 1945-46, 48-51), Ex. Binya

Ian GEDDES, (1981, 85-93), 138 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. East Sydney, (Barellan Utd 1982-84)

Jack GEDDES, (2008), 17 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors

Owen GEDDES, (1995), 18 appearances, Ex. Osborne

Roy GEDDES*, (1950-51), 20 appearances - 42 goals, Ex. North Shore

Brendan GIASON, (1997-98, 2000-03, 06-09, 11), 89 appearances - 19 goals

H. GIBSON*, (1934)

James GIRDLER, (2022-24), 48 appearances - 23 goals, Ex Waratah Tigers RLC,

Sam GILBERT, (2008), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ian GILL, (1958), 8 appearances, Ex. Dookie College

T. GILLIES*, (1934) 

Dominic GIORGI, (1999-2000, 03-04, 14), 19 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors - (Ardlethan 2005)

Charlie GLADMAN*, (1938), Ex. Fivebough

Ernie GLADMAN*, (1939-40)

Jack GLADMAN*, (1939), Ex. Fivebough

Jason GLADMAN, (1989), 2 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Leeton

Joel GORDON, (2013-14), 9 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Harold GORING*, (1935-36), Ex. Hanwood

Ken GRADY*, (1956), 7 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Charlie GRAHAM*, (1938), Ex. Stackpoole

Danny GRAHAM, (2005), 1 appearance, Ex. Griffith Rugby League 

Martin GRAHAM*, (1939-41, 47, 49), Ex. Stackpoole

Roy GRAHAM*, (1939-40, 45), Ex. Stackpoole

Anthony GREELY, (2003), 15 appearances - 16 goals

Laurie GREEN*, (1938-40)

Stanley GREEN*, 1938-41), Ex. Leeton

Robert GREENWOOD, (1976-78), 52 appearances - 91 goals, Ex. Kedron

George GRIEVE*, (1946)

Matthew GRIFFIN, (2010, 12), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Michael GRIFFITHS, (2014-15), 24 appearances - 27 goals, Ex. Angaston, SA

Neil GRIGGS*, (1941), 7 appearances, Ex. Coolamon

Will GRIGGS, (2015-19), 89 appearances - 80 goals, Ex. Queanbeyan

Tom GROVES, (2015), 13 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Coburg

W. GROVES*, (1914-15)

Don GUEST, (1956), 5 appearances - 1 goal

Peter GUILD, (1957), 7 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors

Brendan GUTHRIE, (1987-89), 48 appearances - 98 goals, Ex. Jerilderie

Bobby GUY*, (1950-51), Ex. South Aust..

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Fred Gambell


Ian Geddes


Bob Greenwood.

Noel HAASE, (1972), 10 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Lake-Burgooney

Geoff HABEL, (1954-57), 43 appearances, Ex. Ballarat

Jack HAINES*, (1926-27), ex. Wilga

David HALL, (1968, 70-71), 30 appearances - 6 games, Ex. Juniors

Glen HALL, (1980-83), 27 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors

John HALL, (1972), 1 appearance

Neville HALL, (1973, 75), 4 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Jason HAMPEL, (2003-07), 68 appearances - 12 goals, Ex. Juniors

Colin HAMILTON*, (1936), Ex. Hanwood

Ian HAMILTON, (1971, 73), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

John HAMILTON, (1970), 1 appearance, Ex. Wacool

Josh HAMILTON, (2014-15), 15 appearances - 10 goals, Ex. Lavington

Michael HANDBY, (2014-15), 3 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Yarrawonga

Jack HANNA, (2023), 2 appearances, Ex. Gumeracha, SA

Ken HANSEN*, (1951), 9 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Corowa

Robert HARRINGTON, (1986-89), 56 appearances - 88 goals, Ex. North Albury

E.H. "Ted" HARRIS*, (1938)

Jeffrey HARRIS, (1999, 2001, 06, 09), 20 appearances - 9 goals, Ex. Juniors

J. HARRIS*, (1925) 

Michael HARRIS, (2001, 07, 09-11), 35 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Coleambally

Robert HARRIS, (1969), 2 appearances, Ex. Darlington Point

Brenton HARRISON, (1994-97), 23 appearances - 56 goals, Ex. Juniors

Brock HARRISON, (2007), 5 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Nuriootpa

Cameron HARRISON, (2008-11, 13, 16), 36 appearances - 6 goals, Ex. Juniors

Glen HARRISON, (1970-79, 81-83), 157 appearances - 30 goals, (Coleambally 1980)

"Sport" HARVEY*, (1934)

Brent HATHAWAY, (1992-93, 96, 2001), 21 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors, (Marrar 1994)

Vic HATHAWAY*, (1953-62, 64-66), 205 appearances - 118 goals, Ex. Beelbangera, (Berrigan 1962-63)

Gifford HAUSER*, (1933-34) 

Andrew HAWKINS, (2012), 13 appearances - 4 goals, Ex. Dalby Swans

Brian HAWKINS, (1965, 67), 3 appearances, Ex. Whitton

Cliff HAWKINS, (1965), 20 appearances - 22 goals, Ex. Wangaratta

Peter HAWKINS, (1963), 3 appearances, Ex. North Albury

Terry HEWITT, (1975), 3 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. North Wagga

Roger HEENAN, (2005-07), 32 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Portland

Connor HEFFERNAN, (2013), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Rhett HEFFERNAN, (1992), 3 appearances

Mark HENDERSON, (1994), 19 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Simon HENDERSON, (1982, 86), 6 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Anthony HERRICK, (1982), 4 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Oswald HERRMANN, (2018-19, 21), 12 appearances, Ex. Leeton-Whitton

Nicholas HETHERINGTON, (2005), 14 appearances - 13 goals, Ex. Narrandera

R. HIBBERD*, (1934), Ex. Juniors

Sam HICKLETON, (2006), 15 appearances - 24 goals, Ex. Bell Park

Allan HICKEN, (1976-81), 36 appearances - 11 goals, Ex. Juniors

Russell HICKEN, (1982), 4 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Dan HICKEY*, (1934), Ex. Warburn

Martin HICKEY*, (1934-36), Ex. Warburn

Anthony HICKS, (1981-83, 90), 46 appearances - 32 goals, Ex. Juniors

Drew HICKS, (1982-84, 88), 37 appearances - 60 goals, Ex. Juniors 

Fred HICKS*, (1950-52), 32 appearances - 86 goals, Ex. St. George

Simon HICKS, (1983-85), 22 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Juniors

Brian "Bat" HIGGINS*, (1946-52)

Jack HIGGINS*, (1945-46)

John "Apples" HIGGINS, (1965-73), 111 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. Juniors

Reg HIGGINS, (1966-68, 72), 29 appearances - 10 goals, Ex. Juniors

Terry HIGGINS, (1970-71), 4 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Mark HILDEBRANDT, (1999), 18 appearances - 15 goals, Ex. St Marys, NT 

Andrew HILL, (2000-04), 45 appearances - 84 goals, Ex. Leeton-Whitton

Damian HILL, (1992), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Errol HILL, (1959, 71-72), 5 appearances, Ex. Juniors, (Cootamundra 1960-69)

Greg HILL, (1976-79, 83-86), 92 appearances - 8 goals, Ex. Juniors

Reece HILL, (2004), 8 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Ryan HILL, (2003, 05-06), 27 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Leeton-Whitton

Dean HILTON, (1998), 2 appearances, Ex. Coolamon - Coolamon

Kevin HILTON*, (1957), 1 appearance, Ex. Ganmain

Paul HOCKING, (1983), 15 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Narre Hallam

Colin HODGE*, (1953), 5 appearances

Leslie HODSON, (1967-70, 73), 32 appearances, Ex. Juniors,  (Yoogali 1971)

Matthew HOGAN, (2010, 12-13), 20 appearances - 6 goals

Bobby HOGGARD*, (1936), Ex. Juniors

Max HOLDEN*, (1946) 

Riley HOLLAND, (2013-15), 13 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors (Giants)

Arthur HOLT*, (1939), Ex. Tabbita

Colin HOLT*, (1958, 60-62), 26 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Beelbangera

Bert HORNBY*, (1934), Ex. Narrandera

Jamie HORNE, (1987-88), 8 appearances - 5 goals, Ex. Juniors

Joel HOURIGAN, (2014), 8 appearances, Ex. Charles Sturt University

Todd HOWARD, (2015), 2 goals - 1 goal, Ex. Griffith Demons BC

Mick HOWE*, (1929-32)

Allan HUDSON, (1962), 17 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Mathoura

John W. HUDSON, (1965), 8 appearances - 10 goals, Ex. Port Adelaide

Leslie HUGHES*, (1938), Ex. Juniors

Robert HUGHES*, (1936), Ex. Juniors

Terry HUGHES, (1975), 2 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Kieran HUME, (2014-16), 28 appearances - 2 goals, Ex. Juniors

Luke HUMPHRIES, (2010), 18 appearances - 31 goals, Ex. West Aust.

Peter HUNT, (1999-2000, 07), 13 appearances, Ex. Barellan United, (Barellan United 2001-06)

Joe HUNT*, (1946), Ex. Stackpoole

F. HUNTER*, (1914-15)

Walter HUNTER*, (1921), Ex. Narrandera

Don HURST*, (1953-59), 86 appearances - 41 goals, Ex. Juniors

Len HUSTLER*, (1939), 4 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Collingwood

Jack HUTCHINS*, (1937-39), Ex. Narrandera

Reg HUTCHINS*, (1937-39, 41), Ex. Narrandera

Robert HUTCHINS*, (1937-41, 45-49), Ex. Narrandera

N. HUTTON*, (1947)

Sam HUXTABLE, (2009), 4 appearances, Ex. Hay Lions 

B. HYNES*, (1922)


Jack Haines


Glen Harrison


Vic Hathaway


John Higgins

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Len Hustler

Jace IEMMA, (2007), 5 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Arthur INMAN*, (1934, 37-40, 45) 

Malcolm IRVIN, (1991), 1 appearance - 1 goal

Mitchell IRVIN, (2019, 21), 28 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Riley IRVIN, (2017-18, 21), 38 appearances - 13 goals, Ex. Juniors

Ron IRVIN, (1988, 94), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Samuel IRVIN, (2021-22), 2 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Luke IRONS, (2000), 5 appearances, Ex. Barellan United

Jordan IUDICA, (2016-19), 69 appearances - 83 goals, Ex. Ainslie

Martin JACKSON, (1972-74), 59 appearances - 156 goals, Ex. Hay Rovers

Bob JAMES*, (1930-31), Ex. Griffith Rugby League FC

W. JAMES*, (1925)

Dean JAMIESON, (1995-2001, 07), 102 appearances - 16 goals, Ex. Barellan United, (Ardlethan 2002-06)

Tom JAMIESON, (2024), 1 appearance, Ex. Juniors

Luke JASPRIZZA, (1999), 3 appearances, Ex. Juniors

Che JENKINS, (2011-15), 46 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Waratah Warriors

Tim JOHANSON, (1982), 4 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

Len A. JOHNSON*, (1935), 9 appearances, Ex. North Melbourne

Bert "Pop" JONES*, (1921)

Bill JONES*, (1946-48)

Jack JONES*, (1931)

Michael JOHNS, (1999-2000, 02, 08-09, 11, 16), 83 appearances - 24 goals, Ex. Juniors

Royce JOHNS, (2009-10, 12-16), 55 appearances - 3 goals, Ex. Juniors

David JOHNSON, (1987-88), 34 appearances - 27 goals

Fletcher JOSLING, (2012, 14), 17 appearances - 1 goal, Ex. Juniors


Len Johnson

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